posted at 9:55pm
current mood: the frig?
current tunes: Neil Young - Trans - Transformer Man
Now, I don't get a lot of email. That is to say, I don't get a lot of worth while
email. Lotta death threats, hate mail, and joke invitations to online
singles sites (which, of course, I don't discover are 'joke'
invitations until after waiting around the proposed meeting location for
4-8 hours. but hey! you never know when one might turn out to be
But today, I got this:
It clearly depicted me, looking the way I look when I'm thinking too
hard about dairy. So I looked it up and it appears that I bear a
striking resemblance to the Hopi sun god. I'm not sure how he or she
felt about dairy but I hope I don't start getting accidentally
worshipped. I've been 'worshed' before. Like, out back with the hose.
You know, worshed off after I got all muddy. Never worshipped though. If
nothing else, this has taught me that I should start wearing more red
and yellow, as that border around my head really accentuates the
pallor. Pallor if ya hear meh!
Sorry. It sounded funnier than it reads.